What is the difference between O-ring and X-ring chains?

  • O-Ring Chain

It is a chain that has been developed from the normal type. Every joint has an O-Ring rubber in the middle. Inside the O-Ring, grease is stored to help lubricate the joints, making them more slippery and preventing dust from entering the joints. The advantage is that it can be used 3 times longer than the normal type (about 20,000 km), and does not require much maintenance (but some oil must be added). The disadvantage is that the price is almost twice as expensive as the normal type. It is often used in big bikes or high-performance cars.

  • X-Ring Chain

It is a chain that is developed from the O-Ring type. It has a simple principle: the rubber line forms an X shape. If you cut the X-Ring crosswise, you will see an X shape. Therefore, it is called an X-Ring. The advantage is that it reduces friction between joints more than the O-Ring type because it has 4 grooves to store grease (while the O-Ring has only 2 grooves). Therefore, it is smoother and can be used twice as long as the O-Ring chain. However, the disadvantage is that it is quite a bit more expensive.


O-Ring: There are 2 contact points which will be oil storage points (2 Contact Points).

X-Ring® : has 4 contact points which will be oil collectors (4 Contact Points)

O-Ring : Friction

X-Ring® : Friction less than

O-Ring: Can be used for 3 times longer than chains without rubber rings (Long Life)

X-Ring® : Can be used 2 times longer than O-ring (Long Life 2 times)

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