Before you take your beloved motorcycle out on the road, make sure you've checked all of these things! 108292/
As the holidays approach, many people are probably preparing to take their favorite motorcycles out for a ride. Regardless of whether it is a small or large vehicle, its important duty is to take the rider to their destination safely. So, let’s take a look at how to prepare. If we want to reach our destination safely, what should we check on our beloved child using the T-CLOCS principle ?
1. T stands for Tires .
Start by checking the tire pressure with a pressure gauge and check the condition around the tire and wheel for any leaks, chips or cracks on the rim. These are the factors that can cause a tire to leak or burst while driving. We can easily test this by pressing it with our fingernails and see if the tire can relax properly.
2. C stands for vehicle control system ( Controls )
Whether it's the handlebars, water valves, brake clutch systems, cables and various pipe joints, we must check them carefully before putting them on the road. Check first that they are moving in the right direction as they should be, are there any cracks or leaks? If there are any, we can prevent them in time.
3. L stands for Lighting .
The lighting system here also includes the car windows, everyone. We have to check carefully whether all the lights are working or not. Is there enough light for visibility both day and night? Are the brake lights prominent and clear enough? Including the car's headlights as well. It's very important.
4. O stands for oil system ( Oil )
We must check the oil system every day before driving the car. The heat reducing agent, brake fluid, clutch fluid and driving oil must be checked carefully to make sure they are at the right level and there are no leaks. Otherwise, it will definitely be dangerous.
5. C stands for Chassis .
Check carefully to see if there are any cracks or scratches on the frame. Are the joints separated? Is the swingarm still firmly attached? Is nothing loose? What about the front fork legs? They must be clean and, most importantly, there must be no leaks.
6. S stands for various stands ( Stands )
The stand is an important part that supports the weight of our car when parked in various places. And most importantly, we must clean it regularly. It's easy. You can use a spray cleaner for cleaning brakes to make it smooth and slippery, so it doesn't get caught on other parts of the car. Otherwise, it will definitely be a problem.
And that's it! Our beloved motorcycle is ready to safely land on the road, no matter how far you drive. You can rest assured that you won't have to worry about dangers from the machine anymore !